Saturday, December 7, 2019
Business Communication Effective Non Verbal Communication
Question: Discuss about theBusiness Communication for Effective Non Verbal Communication. Answer: Effective Non-Verbal Communication is More Important than Verbal Communication Skills in the Workplace. There are majorly three procedure of communication in workplace, verbal, written or non-verbal. The procedure of each and every communication has its own significance. Non-verbal communication is crucial for interpreter. Communication is an important aspect for the business because it conveys empathy and emotions and enhances the workplace efficiency. In todays business world, communication is playing a crucial role to perform a function in organization. The importance of Communication at workplace is very high because it brings clarity, enhance productivity, amplify satisfaction towards job, share ideas and views, positive impact, reduce barriers and motivate co-worker (Latha, 2014). Verbal communication is a way to share the information by using words or speech and it covers face to face conversation, telephone, television or radio. On the other hand non-verbal communication refers sharing cues between people. It includes gesture, facial expression, pitch, tone, posture, gesture, p roximity, dress appearance and eye movements.Non verbal communication is important in business because it is not possible that verbal communication should be there to share the views and make conversation, sometimes important information can be shared by non-verbal communication (Bonaccio, et. al., 2016). It is the indicator which helps to know about the person by his gesture, posture and behavior. Moreover, non-verbal communication can be effective in terms of taking decision at workplace. It is the utmost duty of superiors to create an importance of communication because the way of communication influences the duties and the performance of the employees. A manager of an organization has to follow so many responsibilities in an organization such as employee relation, handling the deadline of work and monitoring of job performance. Therefore, it is important to manager to use non-verbal communication with appropriate attitude so that criterion and need of organization can be fulfill ed. Good attitude of non-verbal communication facilitates to enhance the productivity of an employee towards performing the task (Coach, 2015). Effective non-verbal communication has the ability to maintain the relationship between employees. A smile on face while entering the office can enhance the enthusiasm of others because smiling face gives positive vibes (Gabriel, et. al., 2015). It is also the sign of confidence such as posture is the sign of attribute of an individual. When an employee stands upright and maintains eye contact while conversing with managers or follower, it reflects the confidence of that person. In comparison of verbal communication, non-verbal communication is preferable because it shows the reality of person by his or her facial expression. Facial expression reflects the interest of that particular person towards performing the task while verbal communication unable to know the interest of others. There are so many cultures at workplace, it is necessary to have the knowledge about the various cultures. Tap on the shoulder, handshake, pat on the back are some example of various culture and these act ivities motivate employees towards performing the task with enthusiasm (Carney, et. al., 2010). Eye contact is the example of non-verbal communication which regulates conversation. Eye signal depicts important part of facial expression and provide the potential to understand the attitude of others. Good eye contact helps to enhance the positivity between clients because powerful emotions can be expressed by eye contact. Along with that feature, non-verbal communication covers the aspect of paralanguage. Paralanguage refers speed of the words and volume of voice. If someone is speaking very fast so it would not be easy to the listener to understand because his words are not clear. Low voice is unable to. Therefore, the way of speech should be in medium pitch and time to time pause should be there so that targeted audience can understand the message (ChartrandLakin, 2013). There are various gestures such as arm gestures, thumb and hand gestures and many more. There are so many meaning of using arm signal but in the context of business situations, arm crossing is most common one. A lot can be uttered with these gesticulations, even when an individual do not want to speak. The gesture of nod reflects that the listener is in favor of in directing a yes or no for an answer. Effective non-verbal communication skills of workers and manager as well can bring the huge positive change in the environment of workplace. Non-verbal communication is able to remove conflicts and maintains the relationship between employees and can influenced performance of each employee as well. In the concern of interpersonal communication in a workplace, non-verbal communication is able to convey the message to others. Posture, gesture, expression, eye contact, emotions, tone of speaking has their meaning such as good and effective posture shows the confidence of an individual while gesture highlights the point whereas facial expression able to convey the emotions to others and eye contact refers the interest towards particular things. Pitch of voice reflects the understanding of an individual about the particular task (Ct, et, al., 2013) There are so many benefits of non-verbal communication in business. It brings the opportunity to interact with workers and competitors through the way of clear cut or unreserved words. It is the substitute of verbal message. Non-verbal cues put instant effect on receiver and it can be perceived by receiver quickly. The methods of non verbal is mainly uses by business in comparison of verbal methods such as graphs charts and maps are the most preferable things to know about the science, geography and particular aspect. Nonverbal communication also indicates the signs and objects such as the dress of navy and the ranking criteria is the way of nonverbal communication which reflects the identification of navy. Nonverbal communication is not only useful to the business but also for everyone. For instance, illiterate people unable to read and if illiterate people get bottle of poison, the sign of skull will be helpful to them to know about the danger. Thus, a nonverbal sign also helps to those who are unable to read and speak (Subramani, 2010). Verbal communication is also a part of business to convey the message and information to others but it has some disadvantages as well. Verbal communication in comparison of nonverbal communication is costly and lengthy. To accomplish the verbal communication, various equipments and information are needed which occupied huge expenses. The medium of communication by verbal communication is having the variety such as there are number of languages is being used in all over the world to communicate with others and it cannot be possible to an individual to having knowledge of each language (Lunenburg, 2010). So intercultural communication becomes issue for making understand and third part is required to know the language which consumes lot of money. On the other hand non-verbal communication does not need to invest money; it is simple and easy to understand. Repetition, inaccuracy in information and no storage of information are also disadvantages of verbal communication (Mujezinovic, 2011 ). Non verbal communication is more efficient at work place in comparison of verbal communication because it has been seen that due to non-verbal communication people come closer and starts to have conversation. Posture, gesture and face expressions are able to attract the person due to effective personality. Confident person can adjust everywhere and make their position firmly. It makes work easy at workplace (Conrad Newberry, 2013). It is also useful in interviews and businesses. There are various professional people such as teacher, doctors, lawyers who need to communicate with others on regularly basis if their communication skill is not good as per non-verbal communication, then their work will have to suffer in the organization. Only verbal communication is not sufficient for business, non-verbal communication also covers the important part of business. For instance, eye contact and posture are very important in interviews because it reflects the interest and confidence of an ind ividual. With the help of non-verbal communication one can shows empathy, confidence, trustworthiness and accuracy of intentions (Tiwari, 2015). It has been concluded that non-verbal communication is must in the business because it shows the reality and trustworthiness of an individual. It also works like complementary such as people in pain usually tell to others about their pain and their gesture and posture which is the sign of non-verbal communication indicates that they are in pain. The act of non-verbal communication is stronger than verbal communication in so many stages. The nature of non-verbal communication is situational and contextual and sometimes the message which is conveyed by non-verbal communication is stronger. It has been critically evaluated in this essay that the verbal communication is important but now a days most of the businesses are using non-verbal communication to convey the messages and motivate them. Advantage of non-verbal communication at workplace has been reflected in this essay. The major aim of organization regarding information is to convey the right message in an appropriate manner. Henc e, communication of organization consider as important aspect which is helpful to develop the relations between employee and employer. With the help of non-verbal communication the attitudes of an individual can be understood on the other hand verbal communication helps to make understand the meaning to the third party. References Bonaccio, S Reilly, J, O Sullivan,S, l, O Chiocchio, F, 2016, Nonverbal Behavior and Communication in the Workplace: A Review and an Agenda for Research, Journal of Management Vol. XX No. X, Month XXXX 131 DOI: 10.1177/0149206315621146. Carney, D. R., Cuddy, A. 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